Title: Petition Group’s Educative Seminar on Duties and Functions of Govt. Officers. Speaker: Adv. Pralhad Kachare 24.11.2024, Sunday. |
Title: Special Lecture by Adv. Vinod Sampat on Cooperative & Consumer Law Organised by Petition Group |
Title: Legal drafting technique by Adv. Naseer Jahagirdar Speaker: Adv. Naseer Jahagirdar |
Title: How to get info under RTI Act or otherwise by activist Sanjay Kurhade Speaker: Mr. Sanjay Kurhade |
Title: Part IV – Registering FIR with Police. Speaker: Shri. Kamlakar Shenoy |
Title: Part III – Solution for Enroachment Free – Road & Footpath. Speaker: Shri. Kamlakar Shenoy |
Title: Part II – Solution for Affordable Housing. Speaker: Shri. Kamlakar Shenoy |
Title: Part I – Empowering citizens to have better Life. Speaker: Shri. Kamlakar Shenoy |
Title: Let us demand an Administrative Procedure Code Speaker: Adv. Naseer Jahagirdar |
Title: Do #Mumbaikar need #Beautification Across Mumbai ? Analysis by Kamlakar Shenoy ft Merwyn Nazareth. Speaker: Shri. Kamlakar Shenoy |
Title: B.M.C. “Bhrasht Bhushan Samman Award” for the corrupt government officials – 11.01.2023 |
Title: Police avoids filing FIR against Builders What to do Activist Kamlakar Shenoy advises. Speaker: Shri. Kamlakar Shenoy |
Title: Correct interpretation of Sec. 95A of MHADA Act and how it has been deliberately misinterpreted by the unholy nexus of builders – MHADA officials and Lawyers to illegally evict the Society flat owners on MHADA land for redevelopment of the buildings. Speaker: Shri. KV Jagannath Rao |
How best to use Sec.18 of RTI Act & various related RTI Orders along with QnA session Speaker: Shri. Ramesh Kumar Suthar Documents: Will be uploaded soon. |
How RTI users can make use of under-utilized Sections of RTI Act and counter the illegal orders of Information Commissioners Speaker: Shri. Ramesh Kumar Suthar Documents: Will be uploaded soon. |
Title: Filing of FIR against PIO & FAA for violating RTI Act and Sec.76 of Indian Evidence Act |
Title: Question & Answer session on Criminal Law with Legal Expert – Mr. KVJ Rao Speaker: Shri. KV Jagannath Rao |
Title: Corrupt Police Officers who are helping Fraud Managing Committee Members – Redevelopment Agreement Speaker: Shri. KV Jagannath Rao |
Title: How to file FIR against PIOs and FAAs (Sec.166A IPC) – Part 2 Speaker(s): Mr. KV Jagannath Rao // Mr. Kashinath S. Talekar // Adv. Tarachand Jangir // Mr. Rao Dhanbeer Numberdar Presentation: Click to download Applications and FIRs against PIOs / FAA: Click to download |
Title: How to file FIR against PIOs and FAAs for denial of Information Speaker(s): Adv. Tarachand Jangir (M.A., LLB) (Sikar, Rajasthan) // Mr. Rao Dhanbeer Numberdar ( National President of RTI Cell) (Jaipur, Rajasthan) Presentation: Click to download Applications and FIRs against PIOs / FAA: Click to download |
Title: Seminar on Conveyance Deed held in Mira Road Speaker: Mr. Kashinath S. Talekar |
Part 1: How Scams are Perpetrated by our Public Servants Speaker: Shri. Kamlakar Shenoy Documents: Click to Access |
Part 2: How Scams are Perpetrated by our Public Servants Speaker: Shri. Kamlakar Shenoy Documents: Click to Access |
Part 3: QnA on How Scams are Perpetrated by our Public Servants Speaker: Shri. Kamlakar Shenoy Documents: Click to Access |
Title: How to hold public servants accountable Speaker: Shri. Mahesh Zagade (ex-IAS) |
Title: Prosecution of Public Servants Speaker: Adv. Dilip Dhumaskar Presentation: Click to download |
Title: Ways in which builders cheat flat buyers and how they can be penalised Speaker: Mr. Kashinath S. Talekar Presentation: Click to download |
Title: My Ward, My Corporator – Social Audit of Area Development Funds Speaker: Mr. Anand Bhandare Presentation: Click to download Sample RTI Applications for BMC – On Corporators’ funds: Click to download |
Title: Guidance on RTI Act and Question & Answer session Speaker: Adv. Naseer Jahagirdar |
Title: How Maharashtra Governor’s office denies info against RTI Act Speaker: Adv. Naseer Jahagirdar |
Webinar on 182 and 211 IPC along with other Indian Penal Code (IPC) for dealing with False Accusations / False Accusers / Investigating Officer / Police Officer. Speaker(s): Mr. Neeraj Pattath and Mr. Raghav |
Title: CrPC 154(3) and other Police related issues discussion Speaker: Mr. KV Jagannath Rao |
Seminars on “Common mistakes made by RTI applicants” Speaker Adv. Naseer Jahagirdar. And “Common Grounds of Appeal to be used by RTI Appellants” Speaker :– Anti-corruption crusader Mr. Kamlakar Shenoy. Organised by Petition Group on 21.2.2021. |
Title: Common mistakes made by RTI applicants Speaker: Adv. Naseer Jahagirdar |
Title: Common Grounds of Appeal to be used by RTI Appellants Speaker: Anti-corruption crusader Mr. Kamlakar Shenoy |
Title: Talk by Mr. Shailesh Gandhi on “Govt Servants Regulation of Transfers & Prevention of Delay in Discharge of Official Duties Act, 2006” (also called “Act 21 of 2006” or “Delay in Discharge of Duties Act”) Speaker: Mr. Shailesh Gandhi |
Title: Is the Maharashtra State Information Commission, itself, strangulating the RTI Act? Speaker: Adv. Naseer Jahagirdar |
Title: Is S.154(3) CrPC rendered redundant by no written orders? Speaker: Adv. Naseer Jahagirdar |
Title: Why and how to make complaints & correspondence and do proper follow-up with Govt. authorities to get desired results Speaker: Mr. Sanjay Kurhade |
Title: Filing of FIR u/s 154(1) and 154(3) and 156(3) CrPC and legal remedy availabe u/s 340 CrPC when one tries to mislead/cheat Court Speaker: Mr. KV Jagannath Rao Presentation: Click to download |
Title: Tricks to be used by RTI applicants when PIO denies info unjustifiably u/s 8 of RTI Act Speaker: Mr. Sanjay Kurhade |
Title: २६. सीसीटीव्ही फुटेज द्यावे की नाही ? | Whether or not to provide CCTV Footage under RTI Act 2005 ? Speaker: Shri. Pralhad Kachare |
Title: माहितीचा अधिकार अंतर्गत अर्ज कसा करावा आणि माहिती कशी मिळवावी Speaker: Mr. Kamlakar Shenoy |
Title: Right To Information Act 2005 : Important Act, Section & Regulations Speaker: Mr. Kamlakar Shenoy |
Title: How to safeguard men from false sexual harassment cases at Workplace Speaker: Mr. Neeraj Pattath |
Title: How common citizens can lodge Police complaints and get justice in Court Speaker: Mr. KV Jagannath Rao Presentation: Click to download |
Title: How to make your Tweet messages more effective Speaker: Ms. Rashmi |
Title: How to Prosecute the Corrupt? Speaker: Adv. Prashant Pandey Presentation: Click to download |
Title: Legal Question & Answer Speaker: Adv. Prashant Pandey |
Title: Laws for the common man and activists in India Speaker: Adv. Prashant Pandey |
Title: Seminar on taking action against corrupt public servants Speaker: Shri. Kamlakar Shenoy |
Title: Petition group seminar on laws for RTI activists Speaker: Adv. Prashant Pandey |
Title: Seminar on Laws for Activists Speaker: Shri. Rameshwar Kute |