By K.Udayshankar
The Author is the founder of Uran Taluka Coop Hsg Federation Ltd; Uran. Certified faculty trainer on CHS Matters certified by the Apex Co-op Training Institute, Pune. Certified faculty trainer with Navi Mumbai Co-op Hsg. Federation as well as key note speaker on various topics in Webinar conducted by MahaSeWa).
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The word `Manager` is neither defined in the MCS Act nor in the Rules made there under. It is not even defined in the bye laws of the cooperative housing societies. However, mention of the word `Manager` is available in the MCS Act, 1960.
Section 74 of the MCS Act, 1960 :-
This section bears the caption ` Qualification and appointment of Manager, Secretary and other office bearers of the society and Chief Executive Officer and financial officer for certain societies, whose qualification for appointment, emoluments and perquisites shall be decided by the Registrar`.
Role of Manager:-
The role of a manager is divided into 2 parts.
- Objective Part:- The objective is to run the business of the society in efficient manner. The Manager has to ensure that the objective goals and duties and responsibilities of the MC are achieved in consonance with the provisions of the Act, Rules Regulations and the registered bye laws of the society. He has to ensure that the day to day functioning of the society is run efficiently and smoothly and the obstacles, if any, are removed. Another important aspect is to make the system to function in a co-ordinated and orderly manner, so that the day to day functioning should run even in the event of his temporary absence.
- Subjective Part:- A successful Manager should have knowledge of the system and transparency & honesty in functioning. More than the kind of decision making, it is the quality of decision making which is critical. Timing and transparency are very very vital for decision making. In the absence of timing the whole exercise of an honest and transparent manager may end in futility. It is very important for the manager to know how to deal with and manage the workforce. A successful manager must have the eagerness and willingness to learn new things and to cope up with adversity. This can only be achieved successfully by keeping aside his personal likings and disliking and judging the situation impartially in the light of legal awareness and execute the job efficiently. It is his will power and sincerity which will ultimately decide whether he deserves to be a successful manager or not.
Notification of the year 2009:-
Commissioner for cooperation & Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Pune, has issued a notification in the year 2009, indicating that it is compulsory for all cooperative societies to appoint a person as Manager, who is thoroughly conversant with MCS Act, Rules and bye laws. If it is not viable for a society to appoint a full time manager, then based on the requirements and the financial viability, a CHS can appoint a part time manger with the help of the housing federation or MahaSeWA, who can prepare a panel of trained managers and appointment of managers shall be made from such panel only.
Cooperative training and education:-
The appointment of the Manager shall play a more positive role in the functioning of the societies. The role of the societies is not only to provide comfortable homes to its members, providing basic amenities and facilities like water, sanitation, waste disposal, electric supply and similar other requirements but also in developing better human relationship and the spirit of collective living. It is a common knowledge that due to indifferent attitude of most of the members, the society in general, has to depend heavily for its functioning on the selfless service of only one or two of their members or need to hire the services of a manager from external agencies to manage the affairs of the society. In the absence of cooperative training and education it is noted that managers are not equipped with the adequate overall knowledge and expertise to run the show of their societies as per the intent and content of the law. It is high time the norms, duties and responsibilities of such manger is established to assist and guide the office bearers of the societies to run the registered body as per the provisions of the bye laws. Hence, it is imperative that an intending manager undergoes cooperative training and education in managerial course to enhance his skills of decision making and to upgrade his knowledge of the system.
The manager should also be conversant with the requirements of the documents to be maintained and to be preserved for specified periods.
Section 72 & 73 of the MCS Act, 1960:-
It is important for a Manager to note that section 72 entrusts the final authority on the general body of members in a duly conducted meeting in compliance with the provisions of the Act and rules. Section 73 authorizes its elected MC to exercise such powers and perform such duties as may be conferred in consonance with the said provisions.
However, in addition to such execution, the MC has also to take some decisions at its level by virtue of the authority derived through the resolutions taken in the meetings under the agenda specified through notice for the same.
Duties & Responsibilities of the Manager:-
- To help the MC in performing its normal responsibilities including issue of Notices for the GBM and the MCM.
- To record the resolutions and to submit the same to the secretary for further actions under the provisions of bye laws.
- To assist the secretary in maintaining various records under the provisions of the Act, Rules and Bye laws.
- To process the applications for transfer of Shares and interest in the Capital/property of the society.
- To process Nomination and revocation of Nomination by members.
- To process application for associate and Provisional membership.
- To act on complaints received from members onn issues like repairs and maintenance.
- To issue monthly bills and subsequent collection of the society charges and depositing the monies in the bank.
- To maintain routine accounts.
- To prepare of periodical statements of A/c`s and submission of the same to the secretary.
- To provide payment of out goings to various service providers and keeping such records.
- To supervise the staff connected with the society services including the security arrangements.
- Up keeping of the amenities and facilities and all such other jobs allotted to him by the Management of the society.
- He shall act as a connecting link between the management of the society, the members, the staff and the related agencies .
Restrictions and limitation of the Manager:-
Being a salaried employee, the manager shall have no independent right or authority to take decision on any matter without obtaining prior approval of the secretary/Chairman. The Manager shall be an invitee of the MC without any rights to participate in the deliberations in the meetings, till he is asked to so by the chairman of the meeting and shall have no right to vote. Further, the Manager shall be responsible to put up all those issues to the secretary prior to the next meeting of the MC for approval which may be required to be executed on the instance of Chairman/Secretary/ Treasurer.
Pre-requisites for being a Manager:-
- He should be physically fit and matured person.
- Preferable be a graduate in any discipline and having undergone managerial course in coop training and education.
- To reside not too far off from the place of work.
- Experience in Housing Society Management and Administration.
- He should be conversant with the knowledge of A/c`s, Bye Laws, MCS Act, Rules, GST, Income Tax and other society related matters.
- He should have a pleasing personality, good dress sense, balanced decision making ability, having immense patience and common sense, integrity and honesty, polite and decent behavior and hard working.
- He should have Good Communication skills and should be acquainted with more than one language, namely English, Hindi and Marathi.
- He should be disciplined and punctual in his work output, being the first to arrive at the office and the last to leave the office.
Society manager will take leave
For Society Manager Services kindly contact on 8291724556
Can anyone help me with Attendance policy, Code of Conduct or any other policies to be given to Society Managers?
Hello Sir, Thank you for this valuable information. I wanted to know what are the entitlements of a Manager of CHS at the time of his removel. Will he be entitle for any compensation or One month salary if he is removed without reason ?
We would like to know if we can hire Society Manager who is either tenant or Member of the Society?
Persons interested in working as Society Manager for a Sanpada, Navi Mumbai based Cooperative Housing Society may please send their resume at
Is it necessary that only a outsider has to be appointed as a Manager of CHS ? Can any family member of the member of the society be appointed as the Manager on paid basis ?
A petition group is really active and helpful. Thank you very much.
Very informative. This information throws light on the role of manager, his duties, limitations. Today few District cooperative housing federations have started running certificate course in the management of cooperative housing societies including G.D.C and A.
Thank you very much for such informative article.
Huge responsibility lies on the Manager but societies do not pay accordingly and least possible perks like leaves, bonus etc. They expect all from manager but doesn’t reward as expected.
In our society hefty salary and undisclosed hefty bonus and all other benefits are given for nothing. He will come by 1.00pm and leave after 6.30pm. During this period he sit in the society office room.
Very useful information
What should be salary to manager for 60 member society
Very Good for layman as I purchased a flat at Xrbia Talegaon and it’s time for all this to be done but don’t know , how will it happen after reading this article I am confident of the procedure and looking forward for a decision on this
Can a flat owner/member of the registered housing society be appointed as a paid Manager of the society.
Please guide with reference to laws and bylaws of the co-operative housing society.