Mumbai’s Elderly Peoples Worried about Deputy Registrar

“आपली सरकार-आपले द्वार” में जनता को बैठने की जगह नही👆🏻कहां है मुंबई में डेप्युटी रजिस्टार कार्यालय में फाइलों का पहाड़ ?? शिवसेना CHS सेल के हेमंत खांडेकर ने ली ख़बर

10 Replies to “Mumbai’s Elderly Peoples Worried about Deputy Registrar”

  1. Sudhir Kumar

    My query was that in the absence of 79A being mandatory the chs are taking things in their way. And now hon high court saying that 79A is directive, it further adds strength to the errant MC members. What is the solution. Can 79A not be made mandatory?

  2. Sudhir Kumar

    Should section 79A not be mandatory as most societies are bypassing in appointing PMC or developer saying that it is directive in nature. After the recent judgment of hon high court, the societies MC have become free to act as per their fancies and whims.
    Need a notification making this mandatory so that all processes are followed.

  3. Rakesh Modi

    I was forcibly thrown out of our ownership flat with family in 2015 by BMC T ward. Builder Anand Dargar of Metro group Mulund after 10 years just now started the project. Not registered PAAA yet. Not paying rents. Transferred full flat in only 1 name inspite of Devendra Fadnavisji’s order for executing in 4 names. Today we met Hemant Khandekar but after speaking to my builder and inviting him on tea, he told me to approach Court. He also angrily shouted at me threw my papers and called security to throw me out. He was not ready to see the Bombay High Court 3 orders and Regn dept reply. So Instead of solving grievances, Our CM has placed a nice gentleman here.

    • Rajesh Modi

      I appreciate Shri Hemant Khandekar ji, Head of Shivsena CHS cell, for calling us in darbar to hear us, on the basis of complaint given by my brother Rakesh Modi.
      I was personally present there and the comment posted by my brother is baseless. Hemant ji patiently heard us out regarding the family dispute between my brother Rakesh Modi and the rest of us siblings.
      I thank him for advising us as well as Rakesh Modi to distribute our fathers property amicably and resolve the dispute.The matter is already submitted in the city civil court by us. The Builder is good person and till date he has given us rent timely and also rent given to Rakesh.He is unnecessary defaming me & Builder and now he is now defaming Hemant ji also. Thankyou Hemant ji for taking a fair stand.Hemant Khandekar ji is a very true responsible person and very kind very committed.He is doing very good social work for a common people and giving proper guidence to fight legally for justice. It is really very appreciated .I m very thankful 🙏🙏🙏.

    • Rajesh Modi

      I appreciate Shri Hemant Khandekar ji, Head of Shivsena CHS cell, for calling us in darbar to hear us, on the basis of complaint given by my brother Rakesh Modi.
      I was personally present there and the comment posted by my brother is baseless. Hemant ji patiently heard us out regarding the family dispute between my brother Rakesh Modi and the rest of us siblings. He is defaming Builder Mr.Anand Dargar of Metro group that he has not given rent, which is totally wrong and baseless. We all society members are getting rent timely and even he is getting rent too. He claims that flat has transferred in one name instead of 4 and he claims that till PAAA agreement has not registered till date then how the flat has transferred in one name. There is no logic and very baseless .This showing his mentality and attitude. He is playing victim card everywhere and complaining every where (police station , Mantralya, Social Media ) and defaming us.The matter is in court
      I thank him for advising us as well as Rakesh Modi to distribute our fathers property amicably and resolve the dispute. Thankyou Hemant ji for taking a fair stand and done proper justice. I and my younger brother Nilesh Modi is very thankful to you and always .🙏🙏🙏.

      • Rakesh Modi

        I have all the evidences with documentary proofs of all the blunders done by this cheater builder in our project as well as his other projects too. Anyone can see my youtube channels on him. Both my brothers are in support of builder bcos they want me to be thrown out of this our father’s joint property. They, including our coward society people are afraid to go against the builder. The court case is also purposely filed to harass and delay my rights by builder and these cowards, as all knows how our courts works and how builders and politicians manage them. Mr. Hemant Khandekar’s attitude and their approach which I mentioned is 100% truth and it surely had happened whatever I mentioned above. This above reply of my brother might be also written under pressure and curry favouring the builder who was invited on tea instead of taking action on him. So, our CM, sorry our Ex-CM and now Dy CM had placed a nice person who invites offenders on tea instead of taking actions and solving grievances of harassed public…

  4. Lancy Norbert Menezes

    There has to be directive “strict order” from the Cooperative Housing Minister and the CMO to the Chief Registrars, Registrars, Joint Registrars and Deputy Registrars to follow the bye-laws and the MCS rules/guidelines and act accordingly within maximum a month. Corrupt and incompetent personnel in the CHS Registrar Offices should be dismissed with immediate effect.


    Time frame compliance for department is the need of the hour. Moreover effective digitalisation plus punishment for non compliance to the officers is strictly implemented

  6. Reshama

    We demand justice on merits and in accordance with law
    Registrar are rampantly violating laws and this is against his official duty
    Authority must take cognizance and punish these public servants who are absusing their quasi judicial powers.

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