
PG Webinar

Filing of FIR u/s 154(1) and 154(3) and 156(3) CrPC and legal remedy availabe u/s 340 CrPC when one tries to mislead/cheat Court.

Speaker :— Mr. K. V. J. Rao.

Day, Date and Time :– Wednesday, 4.11.2020 , 7.20 pm IST.

Link is :—-

Meeting ID: 881 4513 5086
Passcode: 623817

PG Webinar

Why and how to make complaints & correspondence and do proper follow-up with Govt. authorities to get desired results.

Speaker :— Mr. Sanjay Kurhade (Good governance activist).

Day, Date and Time :– Thursday, 5.11.2020, 7.20 pm to 9.30 pm IST.

Link is :—-

Meeting ID: 842 3707 2641
Passcode: 202021

Note :—
All the participants are requested to read/study the following rules beforehand to better understand the talk. The concerned laws are being sent in .PDF files in subsequent posts :–

1) “Section 9 of Prevention of delay in discharge of official duties Act, 2005” (i.e Mah. Act 21 of 2006)

2) Rule No.3 of “Maharashtra Civil Service(Conduct) Rules, 1979”

3) Rule No.5 to 10 of “Maharashtra Civil Service (Discipline and Appeal) Rules, 1979”

4) State Government Circular of General Administration Department No.”Misc. 2013/C.R.8/(R & Ka); dtd.18.01.2013″

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